This was a really interesting article. I certainly don’t know much about QM but what interests me about it is actually that it’s hard to measure. I feel as though the idea that exists in some domains of science that everything has to be measured and weighed to bear tangible evidence can only take is so far, and so, what’s exciting about QM is that it may be asking us to find another way.

Thanks :)

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I totally agree with you. And if I may give you some advice, try looking into the Many-Worlds Interpretation by Hugh Everett. From what you write, I think you might like it.

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I have vaguely heard about the Many-Worlds theory but I don’t know much about it, I’ll be sure to look into that — thanks :)

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I'll try to write some on it. I think it's one of the most fascinating of all quantum theories.

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I did a little bit of looking into it since you suggested it the other day, and I totally agree — it is fascinating. It also opens the door to so many questions.

I’d been to keen read your thoughts on it :)

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This is super intriguing. I find a relationship between the measurement effort in quantum systems and the old saying, "Always stay one step behind Truth. Once you step on it, you're past it."

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I would say that sums it up very well. The question is whether it's worth staying behind or going ahead :-)

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