I’ve been on Substack for over a year now, and I tried a bunch of other social networks before that, but I never found the right fit. Most of social networks are focused on the instant, the image, the single sentence, the exceptional quote. I’ve never read so many Charles Bukowski’s quotes as on Instagram—and I’d bet Bukowski hadn’t even written them.
I like writing and reading, and on Substack I can do both and feel like I’m in the right place.
The right place.
I would like to thank all of you who have trusted me over the past few months by subscribing to my publication, commenting on or restacking my pieces, sending me advice, pointing out mistakes, and encouraging me.
Thank you.
Writing is a tough, lonely activity—as Stephen King says—and for that, I’m grateful to you, even if I don’t know how to show it. But there’s one thing I can do: suggest the pieces I liked. Writing is pure power. We’re lucky when someone reads what we write, even if it’s just one reader.
Every reader is a gift.
And we’re lucky when someone writes something that moves us and makes us feel good. Because all of this—what we have and share here—makes the very meaning of life open to us.
My first reading list for you
I’m a big fan of
; his stories always make me think about my past life choices. He’s a smart, sincere, funny, and profound writer. A true Substack talent:I think
is one of my favorite writers on Substack, and he knows it. Every time I read his work, my soul is torn between great admiration and terrible envy. I wish I could write like he does, but I’m happy every time he publishes something. A great, pure talent:Here’s another great talent I found on Substack:
. Her stories are full of scientific value, technical depth, precision, and passion. It’s extraordinary how she manages to light up your mind with plots of real science fiction, the strong, solid kind. The kind I like:I really can’t help but admire Mercedes, because it’s not easy to write in a foreign language. She manages to do it very well, and she’s also generous with other writers, always willing to help:
I think
’s cultural and environmental pieces are brilliant, as well as his research into energy solutions and his informational pieces. But I also like his fiction, it’s always a pleasure to read it:I’ll stop here with my list, but I’ll mention other talented authors and good reads in my next post on this topic.
Thanks to all of you!
Hey, thanks for linking me, a real honor. I hadn't noticed it because you didn't mention me. Yeah, I know: I had a troll insulting me some months ago and I had to change my account. I'm leaving it here for the next time:
Michael... this is beyond generous. Struggling for words, and that's saying something. Just so you know: I appreciate the hell out of you, man. Your readership and support means the world to me. I couldn't ask for better company around my little campfire. I'm working on something big right now. Once I'm up and running, I'll catch up on your pieces. Count on it.