Yes, the possibilities, the observer level, quantum field. Opens up a whole new way of viewing and living reality. When I first viewed the Quantum Atom with the electron cloud and nucleus in the middle (all matter is no thing more than some thing) the ancient disk with the circle dot in the middle flooded me. It’s all connected. We are divine creators.
Another source at Live Science.
Good! Thanks!
That’s so damn cool!
Thanks for sharing and distilling :)
Hahaha, thanks Mike! I'm glad you liked it.
Thank Jebus there aren't just bloody idiots and bloodthirsty dictators in this world. What a wondrous discovery!
Yeah! You are right, thank God not everyone spends time destroying.
Yes, the possibilities, the observer level, quantum field. Opens up a whole new way of viewing and living reality. When I first viewed the Quantum Atom with the electron cloud and nucleus in the middle (all matter is no thing more than some thing) the ancient disk with the circle dot in the middle flooded me. It’s all connected. We are divine creators.
Well, we certainly still have a lot to explore. The QM is a good way to do it. Thanks for the comment, Chris! ;-)