At its core, AI is just a random word generator. The training gives each word a weight that says how likely it is to follow the one before it. It's very clever and can look like real writing. I've seen what it does with a long piece though... it can't get past about 10k without human help. And it's probably stopped making any kind of sense well before that. The thing about humans is we have something to say... experiences to share. If AI can help a writer find the right words to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences then it's a helpful tool. But it's only a tool, it's not going to replace human writers anymore than a pen or a typewriter.

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You nailed it. And I def agree.

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I just perused this one Michael, and I have it marked to read later! I'm playing catch up on my reading. Fascinating, like always.

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You raised some interesting points Michael. The whole AI thing is so in-depth and nuanced. And being a writer, filmmaker, and rather creative person — I’ve thought a lot about what makes art art, and if human subjectivity is required for something to be truly creative. And to be honest, it’s so nuanced and hard to define, I often end up shrugging my shoulders. However, I do feel as though there is some thing, some essence, some ineffable potency that impacts both the creator and the consumer of the creation where, somehow, both are able to connect or relate or feel something through that art — and I don’t know if that can be replicated if the creator isn’t a human having their own subjective experience…

But then again, who knows :)

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I have the same feeling and my answer to your question is no, in my opinion the connection between people who share something (not just a work of art) cannot be replicated by machines. But dunno, bro, maybe I just need to believe that.

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Yeah, that’s definitely my feeling too. But you’re right as well, in that when I really question myself about that feeling — maybe it is that I just want to believe it haha.

It makes me think of the movie HER I mean, I can imagine a world where the connection the main character has with that AI is real — so who knows. It’s all fun to think about that though :)

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Ever read "The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI"? The author is a transhumanist, but there are some interesting concepts in the book. Let's say he gives some insightful keys.

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Nah I haven’t. But I might have to check it out.

Thanks Michael :)

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AI can NOT create. Creating requires free will. Nothing that is programmed has free will.

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I do agree! Free will and consciousness.

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Yes, no free will without consciousness. :-)

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